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Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten
und wurde 180 mal aufgerufen
NinaD Offline


Beiträge: 63

30.09.2004 19:00
Songtext gesucht ..... !!!!!!!!! Antworten
Suche den Songtext zu dem Lied, was Woody glaub ich auf der Weihnachts Cabaret Show von Lotti gesunge hat : "Worlds apart" von Big River.
Hat den vielleicht jemand ??
Ich kann den Text auch nicht bei Basc, oder sonstwas finden ...[/COLOR]

Nadine Offline


Beiträge: 751

30.09.2004 19:13
Songtext gesucht ..... !!!!!!!!! Antworten

I see the same stars through my window
That you see through yours
But we're worlds apart
Worlds apart
And I see the same skies through brown eyes
That you see through blue
But we're worlds apart, worlds apart
Just like the earth, just like the sun
Two worlds together are better than one
I see the sun rise in your eyes
That you see in mine
But we're worlds apart, worlds apart

I see the same stars through my window
That you see through yours
But we're worlds apart, worlds apart

And you see the same skies through brown eyes
That I see through blue
But we're worlds apart, worlds apart
Just like the earth, just like the sun
Two worlds together are better than one
I see the friendship in you eyes
That you see in mine
But we're worlds apart, worlds apart
Together, but worlds apart
And a mockingbird sings in an ol' yonder tree
Twaddle-ee ah dee dee dah dee dee dee

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